A lot of you who frequent PSU-themed blogs and websites are probably familiar by now but in case you aren't: Tim Beidel (pictured, right>>>), better known as the architect of PennStateHoops.com, is currently at Maine Medical Center where so far he has spent the past three weeks recovering from a severe case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a rare disease that triggers temporary paralysis and from which most people fully recover from in the end. The bad news, is that recovery can take anywhere from several weeks to several months.
The good news though, is that Tim appears to have taken a significant step towards recovery, per the latest entry on his CaringBridge.com journal
We (Linda/Mom, Larry/Dad) just left Tim after our best hour with him since he was admitted. He was talking up a storm (we are still lip-reading but getting better at it -- as is he). In fact, he wouldn't shut up. He is so much better, hard to believe what a difference 48 hours can make....
Several Doctors came in, all reacted immediately to his improved condition. One said the team will be meeting early next week to consider moving Tim out of the ICU to the "AVU" unit. He said that means Tim is "moving in the right direction -- making major progress". Folks, we have turned a huge corner.....
The first thing he wanted to show his Dad was the pressure he can put on his arms. I lifted up and supported his left arm and elbow and was amazed at the pressure he applied as he pushed it down....
Tim: "I was never scared about recovery, I was anxious about how long it would take"....
Sounds like a fighter, indeed. We here at LBU are thinking of you, Tim and are psyched about your latest triumph in what will hopefully be a very speedy path to a full recovery. Thank you for creating/maintaining a website where Penn State basketball fans can get their information fix and can congregate for some quality discussion not seen on any other PSU message board. Get well soon.
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