February 28, 2011

Welcome aboard, Eric

In case you're wondering, yes, that's Eric.
This week we're welcoming a new blogger to Linebacker-U.com, as Eric Gibson of Raise the Curtains has honored us by joining our little corner of the internet. Though he's new here, you have surely read Eric's stuff at one point or another. He's been blogging Penn State men's basketball (a brave soul, indeed) for three years, which included his previous blogs, Crispin and Cream, and Battle Does It Again.

Eric is currently a senior at Penn State, majoring in Kinesiology. He is a Harrisburg native and Central Dauphin grad, who also isn't afraid to admit Penn State basketball has had way too big of an impact on his life. And yes, his childhood idol was Joe Crispin. He still has his autographed Jan Jagla growth chart. And is probably best known as "that pale kid" who nearly killed Talor Battle after the big Illinois win a few years back.

So, readers, say hello to Eric; Eric, the readers.

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  1. We have a celebrity... the guy that almost killed Talor Battle!! Alright!!

