Rob Bolden (left), his dad Robert (center), and Jay Paterno at the Blue White Game. (Photo: LBU/Mike) |
"[Rob's mom, Tonia] Williams said by phone her son told her he was looking to transfer, but wasn't sure of plans. Williams says she doesn't agree and hopes Bolden will stay, but she stands by her son.We can always hold out hope that Joe doesn't get stubborn here. If he does, I expect him to lop off that huge nose to spite his freshly-tanned face, and tell the Boldens something to the effect of "You don't like it? Fine, see ya later!"
The quarterback's father, Robert Bolden, Sr., has reportedly said his son intends to transfer."
Or Joe could work his magic of molding young boys into men, and convince the Boldens that he should stay and prove what he knows--that he can earn the starting job again.
We'll see, indeed.
Update: I just wanted to point out something here that I thought about now for a few days, but was hesitant to write. Mike over at BSD wrote it today, and I think it's worth repeating here and now:
One thing that bugs me about all of this is we never get to hear what the younger Bolden has to say. Everything we hear is coming from his father. It's clear his dad is done with Penn State, but I wonder what his son thinks about packing up and leaving the friends he's made over the past semester in order to go to a FCS school where he'll never get to play on television, or go to a FBS school where he's going to have to sit out a year and still compete for a starting spot.Of course then Mike also wrote that he agreed with Chris Morelli, who just happened to write quite possibly the worst article I've ever read, full of really bad errors--Morelli suggested Bolden was pulled due to PSU trailing Northwestern 21-0, when really it was only 7-0 when McGloin got the nod. It was so factually twisted, I won't even link it here. But I thought the part about Rob's dad was really good.
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Good point about it being just the voice of the elder Bolden. Something tells me that the transfer isn't a done deal, although still more likely than him staying. Maybe Bolden, Sr. has visions of his son being the next Cam Newton - heading to JUCO for a year and landing at another bigtime program as a starter?
I've been a huge RB Jr. fan from day 1 but If Rob Jr. really doesn't want to be at Penn State then he should go, but his father shouldn't make this decision for him. Yes, he should have been playing in the last couple of games this year and especially Saturday. If he stays he may be beaten out by Paul Jones. Only time will tell.